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时间: 小龙 好词好句

  2. There’s everything in this world but ifs.这个世界什么都有,就是没有如果。

  3. You go ahead, I will be right behind you.你往前走,我一定在你身后。

  4. Let's make a deal. You protect the world. And I’ll protect you. 那说好了,你保护世界,我保护你。

  5. There are only two kinds of people in this world. Those who are weak will get bullied, and those who are capable will bully others.这世界上就两种人,没本事被欺负的人,和有本事的坏人。

  6. After “Gaokao” , we will become adults. But, what they don’t teach us is how to be an adult.高考完,我们就变成大人了,但是,从来没有一节课教过我们,如何变成大人。

  7. We hope that every teenager will have a bright future.希望每一个少年,都有一个美好的明天。

  In this dramatic thriller, Derek Kwok-Cheung Tsang paints a bleak picture of an oppressive society, in the guise of a gripping fairy-tale love story, exposing the dark world of bullying and societal pressures of achievement facing today’s youth.

  When it is time for the Chinese gaokao, the entire country comes to a standstill. For nearly ten million high school students, this exam not only determines where they get to study but the fates of their entire families as well. Like so many others, Nian has beensingle-mindedly preparing for the exam.


  When she becomes the target of relentless bullying, fate brings her together with small-time criminal Bei and the two form a strong friendship. Before they can completely retreat into a world of their own, the two are dragged in the middle of a murder case of a teenage girl.


  School bullying is a type of bullying, that occurs in any educational setting. For an act to be considered bullying it must meet certain criteria. This includes hostile intent, imbalance of power, repetition, distress, and provocation. Bullying can have a wide spectrum of effects on a student including anger, depression, stress, and suicide. Additionally, the bully can develop different social disorders or have a higher chance of engaging in criminal activity.










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