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时间: 玉莲2 电吉他教程



  莎拉·巴莱勒斯(Sara Bareilles),全名莎拉·贝斯·巴莱勒斯,1979年12月7日出生于美国加利福尼亚州尤里卡,美国创作型女歌手、钢琴家 。

  2004年1月20日,发行个人首张录音室专辑《Careful Confessions》 。2005年,与史诗唱片公司签约 。2008年,凭借歌曲《Love Song》入围第51届格莱美奖“年度歌曲”和“最佳流行女歌手”奖项 。2010年9月7日,发行第三张录音室专辑《Kaleidoscope Heart》 ,专辑首周登上公告牌二百专辑榜榜首 。2013年7月12日,发行第四张录音室专辑《The Blessed Unrest》 。2015年,参与音乐剧《女招待》的配乐工作 。


  You can have Manhattan

  I know it’s for the best

  I’ll gather up the avenues

  And leave them on your doorstep

  And I’ll tip toe away

  So you won’t have to say

  You heard me leave

  You can have Manhattan

  I know it’s what you want

  The bustle and the buildings

  The weather in the fall

  And I’ll bow out of place

  To save you some space

  For somebody new

  You can have Manhattan

  Cause I can’t have you


  You can have Manhattan

  The one we used to share

  The one where we were laughing

  And drunk on just being there

  Hang on to the reverie

  Could you do that for me?

  Cause I’m just too sad to

  You can have Manhattan

  Cause I can’t have you

  And so it goes

  One foot after the other

  Til black and white begin to color in

  And I know

  That holding us in place

  Is simply fear of what’s already changed


  You can have Manhattan

  I’ll settle for the view

  The sunsets facing westward

  The sand beneath my feet

  And I’ll wish this away

  Just missing the days

  When I was one half of two

  You can have Manhattan

  Cause I can’t have you

